The Finish Line

The article from January 2, 2011 ‘Fit To Be Used’; reminds me of an athlete and how they train and prepare for a sports event.  They not only make adjustments emotionally, mentally and physically; but also nutritionally.  An athlete submits to a carefully planned program with only one goal in mind – reaching the finish line.

And so it should be with Menopause.  If we can change our mindset from what we can’t do, to working with what we can do, we will see that even in the midst of Menopause; we can still enjoy life.  Some ask what is menopause, others question how will my body change as menopause approaches and my favorite; why me?

What is menopause?
Menopause is a normal, natural event—defined as the final menstrual period and usually confirmed when a woman has missed her periods for 12 consecutive months (in the absence of other obvious causes). Menopause is associated with reduced functioning of the ovaries due to aging, resulting in lower levels of estrogen and other hormones. It marks the permanent end of fertility.


How will my body change as menopause approaches? 
Each woman’s menopause experience is different. The greatest differences observed are between women who have natural menopause and those whose menopause are early or induced, which typically requires specialized care. Many women who have natural menopause report no physical changes at all during the perimenopausal years except irregular menstrual periods that eventually stop when menopause is reached. In addition to irregular menstrual periods, some women experience symptoms of hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, and/or vaginal dryness. The severity of these changes varies from woman to woman, but for the most part, they are perfectly natural and normal.

Why me?
Menopause has been around since the days of Eve and as far as I can tell, it ain’t going nowhere (excuse the English).  Psalms 139:14 tells us that we are wonderfully and fearfully made and so there will for ever and a day be something(s) that we will not totally understand about our bodies.   This is why it is very important for us to do what is necessary now, because it will benefit us in the long run.  Yes even in menopause, we can still have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Stay tuned next week: The 35 Symptoms of Menopause

Portions of article are courtesy of


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