

There is an old cliché that is often spoken this time of year, ‘My how time has flown’.  Sitting between July and September is the eight month of the year.
Over 200 days have passed since January 1, 2014 and this may be the year that you have begun their journey through menopause.  For some it has been a breeze, for others a blast.  Countless women have struggled --- ohh, while numerous have sighed --- ahh?
Menopause is a normal part of life, just like puberty.  It is estimated that 6,000 US women reach menopause every day. By the year 2020, the number of women who will be older than 55 is estimated to be around 46 million.   With increasing life expectancy, many women will spend up to 40% of their lives in the postmenopausal stage.  Half of all women who reach age 50 will live to be at least 80 years old.
These statistics are one of the main reasons we continue to reach out and make an attempt to educate, empower and encourage as many women as we can.   Yes it’s your life, but let’s allow menopause to be an ideal time to reinforce healthy changes.  The more we know, the more manageable our journey through menopause will be.


Here are some lifestyle tips for Menopause:
Get physical (membership not required) - there are so many free videos out there that can help you, get to clicking.
Take time to relax – it is not selfish to let Calgon take you away.
Watch what you eat – certain foods do affect our body.
Talk is not cheap – get your facts and communicate to those close to you what you are going through.

Make the most of what is going on, don’t let menopause limit you….put a limit on how far you will let it affect you.
No matter what stage of your life you may be in, it’s never too late to pause and do what’s necessary to make your journey a positive experience.

Write us and share your life lessons, 
they may be a life preserver for someone else.

We would love to hear from you, write us and share your story, it may possibly be a life preserver for someone else.  You can also send us a prayer request in the Prayer Center or visit us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sheri.powell.7 or Tweet #PausingWithHim

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of the information on this site is intended to act as or take the place of medical advice. You should consult with your medical provider(s) on all aspects of your health. The information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition.


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