
Showing posts from 2011
You ever have those hmm moments...well I had one the other day.  My thought was how we have become too familiar to things working at our beck and call?  When we push the button – we expect the power to come on, the key in the ignition – we expect the car to start.  How about that garbage disposal, flick the switch and we expect to hear that familiar whirring noise--right? Believe it or not, we have something in common with garbage disposals.  Both of us are susceptible to getting jammed, clogged or blocked.  When a disposal quits working, it doesn't always mean we need a new one.  We may want to take the time to troubleshoot and discover the solution that would restore this contraption back to its working state.                We are excited about continuing our journey into another year with you.   As always you have an open invitation to share your adventures, challenges and experiences -- n...


I could hear Charlie Brown yelling in my head as I was watching the news broadcast about the mayhem that happened on Black Friday.  “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”    From the time of its first telecast and every year since December 9, 1965,   Charlie Brown has been yelling this from the rooftops.  Poor Charlie Brown, the materialism and commercialism of Christmas had him depressed.  (This treasured holiday special usually airs the first week of December,  but to be sure check your local listings).       Lucy encouraged Charlie Brown to get involved and direct the school play.  Though he was reluctant and struggled, he learns the true meaning of Christmas.  Who says we can’t learn from cartoons…there are so many opportunities available for us to help others get in the proper mood: How about doing a walk through the Yellow Pages and picking out a few people to send a card to ( DO NOT put yo...


Pausing With God 'HOT FLASH'               contest winner! Age Ain't Nothing BUT A Number                                                        I've been "HOT" since I was twelve. ..... Those 6 1/2 years of hormonal balance spanned from the beginning of my first pregnancy to the end of my last. Getting pregnant gave my body an opportunity to understand and attempt the balance it was supposed be in all along and to be perfectly honest I felt so very good pregnant that I made other pregnant moms sick. But things change and sometimes they change drastically ... I had a tubal when my last child was delivered and within a month or two I was experiencing   ALL   the symptoms that had started when I was a young teen. It didn't take long before the hot flashes and night sweats were accompanied by insom...

Pausing With God 'HOT FLASH' contest winner!

Age Ain't Nothing BUT A Number         (Part 1 of 2) I've been "HOT" since I was twelve. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be vain or even funny, I'm actually talking "hot flashes." I've been experiencing them off and on in varying degrees of severity for 26 of the last 33 years. I was 12 when I had my first hot flash and like any child of 12, I had no idea what was going on. One minute I felt fine and the next I was hot and there was nothing I could do to cool myself off. Just as soon as it passed I was cold. It went off and on like this all day so I figured I was probably getting sick. That was just the beginning. They started happening pretty regular after that. I would be totally comfortable and suddenly find myself flushed and hot from head to toe. If it stayed long enough I'd start sweating profusely. It was as if someone else had control of my internal thermostat and was bumping it up and down as they pleased. Then we ...


I recently attended a Women’s Conference and had the awesome privilege of meeting recording artist Heather Williams.   During her ministry of performance she shared with us how the song, Hallelujah was birthed.   As I was listening to this song over and over again, I saw that even in the midst of what we are going through, as long as we have breathe in our bodies; we can still sing.   I know some of you have days when you are tired of your sleep being disturbed by a night sweat, and how about those unexpected hot flashes; one of my sister-friends calls them precious moments.                       While we do not make light of what you may be going through during your season of Menopause, know that our heart’s desire is to spread the message that Menopause is a natural and inevitable time in a woman’s life.   We are often reminded that this journey is not an ...

Water Retention Remedies

Ladies and husbands if you want to help your wife out. . Check out these all natural water retention remedies… (thanks to Johanna Carol Paco) Aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, biking or swimming, enhance circulation of blood flow and oxygen in your body, and rid your body of excess fluid through sweat. Though regular exercise throughout your cycle is best, exercising while your symptoms are present can provide immediate benefits. You need at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days for best results. Doing so can also help reduce depressive moods and fatigue associated with PMS. If you have limited time, 5 to 10 minutes of brisk activity, such as jump-roping or sprinting on a treadmill or outdoors, can increase your heart rate and help prevent or reduce bloating. Consult with your health care provider before beginning an exercise program. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and eating hydrating foods such as fresh fruit, soups or low-fat milk, helps f...

Book Review of “Pausing With God- A JOURNEY THROUGH MENOPAUSE” by Anita Harris

I met Sheri Powell through online ministry about four months ago, and we became instant friends. Among her many ministries,  Sheri volunteers, and mentors inner-city children. She is passionate about all night prayer shut-ins for women, and she invites women to take part in the shut-ins, no matter where they live.  I have personally joined in on two of the shut-ins and I can tell you, they are life changing! When you talk to Sheri, you can’t help but feel her passion, and you want to tap in to that passion and go along for the ride! Sheri has become a trusted friend, confidant, and prayer partner.  We have not met in person yet, but when we talk on the phone, it’s as if we’ve known each other, forever. Sheri has written her first book, titled:  “Pausing With God - A JOURNEY THROUGH MENOPAUSE” Menopause is one of those things that can often seem as if it is meant to be experienced alone. Sheri turns this belief on its head in “Pausing wi...
MAKING A DIFFERENCE A couple of months ago, I went to a church event to do a book signing.    The person in charge directed to a spot where I was to set up.  Ah, I thought I have the best seat in the house, right next to the biggest grill I have ever seen.  I introduced myself to the chef.  In between the turning of his ribs, chicken, and Italian sausage; we found out that we had something in common.  He loves to cook and feed people and me, I just love people. Later when it was time for me to leave, he echoed to let him know if he could ever help.  Jokily I said, “How about at a BACK 2 SCHOOL rally?”  Without hesitation, we exchanged info and I shuffled off.  Months later, I get a call and the voice on the other end said, “Okay tell me where, what to bring and the time.   On August 20, 2011, we hosted a rally in the Victory Pointe housing community on the Westside of Jacksonville, Florida.   In addition to enjoying non-...


How can you have a lovely day, when your reproductive factory has given you a pink slip – welcoming you to your season of Menopause. How? By educating and taking care of ourselves.  Menopause should not to be considered a sign of ill health or a death sentence.  It is a season in our lives where learn how to love and accept ourselves in a whole new way.  While we do not want to make light of the changes, pains and symptoms that come along for the ride, it is for to our advantage to:                     1.  Take time to talk with your doctor(s)                     2.  Develop supportive relationships                      3.  Make the changes that will promote healthy lifestyles and                     4.  Remember that you ...


For the past two weeks, I have had the privilege of sitting with   two different group   of ladies   in   two separate SHUT INs  in   two different states .     At both sessions, it was brought to our attention that we have become immuned to what is going on around us. On my return flight, I had a person sit next to me; they buckled up and proceeded to text on their cell phone.    As the plane prepared for takeoff, you know the drill: the flight attendant welcomed us passengers, reminded us of our destination, the weather and what they will be serving once we have reached our cruising altitude.    They ran through safety features and emergency exits and last but not least, instructed everyone to turn off ALL cell phones and electronics devices. As we lifted up off the runway, so did my attitude.    I couldn’t believe this person continued to text.  I found myself in a place where I had to make ...


I’m curious as to how you start your day?  When the alarm rings, do you drag yourself out of bed or hit the snooze button.    You’re tired, there are not enough hours in the day or strength in your body.   Every day the same ole’, same ole'.  You don’t want to nor can you go on like this too much longer, something has to give.   Might we encourage you to pull your head from under the covers?  Take a few minutes before you start your day to dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.   In Him you will find everything you need, you will be able to mount up on wings like an eagle, you will run and not get weary; you will be able to walk and not faint.  You will go HIGHER!! Let us hear from you, feel free to post a comment.


Hot Flashes are just one of the many symptoms that are associated with menopause. Our bodies are sounding off -- there is a decrease in the hormonal level of the female reproductive system (estrogen). REALLY! Do we need a hot flash to tell us this breaking news? As you prepare to take your journey through menopause, remember it is not a disease, but a period of transition. It is in your best interest to do your homework, get to know your body and secure a physician that you are comfortable and can be open with. For us cold natured people, hot flashes are like a heating pad; but for others – an erupting volcano. While every woman will experience her flashes to a different degree; all of us will have to buckle up and ride this season out. There are no easy answers or quick solutions, but one thing that will always help is PRAYER. Have you ever slammed your finger in a door? The more you concentrate on it; the worse it gets. Same with the hot flash, the more attention you...