Pausing With God 'HOT FLASH' contest winner!

Age Ain't Nothing BUT A Number        
(Part 1 of 2)

I've been "HOT" since I was twelve.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be vain or even funny, I'm actually talking "hot flashes." I've been experiencing them off and on in varying degrees of severity for 26 of the last 33 years. I was 12 when I had my first hot flash and like any child of 12, I had no idea what was going on. One minute I felt fine and the next I was hot and there was nothing I could do to cool myself off. Just as soon as it passed I was cold. It went off and on like this all day so I figured I was probably getting sick. That was just the beginning. They started happening pretty regular after that. I would be totally comfortable and suddenly find myself flushed and hot from head to toe. If it stayed long enough I'd start sweating profusely. It was as if someone else had control of my internal thermostat and was bumping it up and down as they pleased. Then we added night sweats. It got to the point where I could take a shower at night before going to bed but I'd need another one in the morning before school. After I finally described what I was experiencing my mother realized I wasn't trying to get sick, I was having hot flashes. She had yet to have her first one so she began to wonder if I'd go through menopause before her.

On top of the hot flashes and night sweats my "visitor" (as we call it around our house now) was unstable and irregular. It could be horribly painful or disappear for months at a time. No one could explain why any of this was happening to me. Hot flashes didn't mean there was something wrong so my parents saw no reason for me to see a doctor. It wasn't till I'd been married for a few years that we got an answer to what was going on. I was told that I had Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and that my body had never been hormonally balanced. When puberty got into full swing the hormonal imbalances were manifested through hot flashes, night sweats and irregular and painful cycles. It was nice to finally know why I felt like a wreck but I just wanted to make it all go away. Thankfully, I was blessed to get a small 6 1/2 year vacation from all these "issues.

 PART 2 NEXT WEEK..........

Until then you can find Patricia on: 
Voice From The End of Town: 
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