For the past two weeks, I have had the privilege of sitting with two different group of ladies in two separate SHUT INs in two different states  At both sessions, it was brought to our attention that we have become immuned to what is going on around us.

On my return flight, I had a person sit next to me; they buckled up and proceeded to text on their cell phone.  As the plane prepared for takeoff, you know the drill: the flight attendant welcomed us passengers, reminded us of our destination, the weather and what they will be serving once we have reached our cruising altitude.  They ran through safety features and emergency exits and last but not least, instructed everyone to turn off ALL cell phones and electronics devices.

As we lifted up off the runway, so did my attitude.  I couldn’t believe this person continued to text.  I found myself in a place where I had to make a quick decision, either I was going to snatch their phone or I was going to be still.

I was wrestling to find peace, so I leaned back in my seat .  I realized that our daily choices take us down a runway that tests how we will react not only to the ride, but to others as well

So prepare yourself, get your headset, dress comfortably and stretch your legs.  As the oceans rise and thunders roar, we will soar above the storm.  God is King over the flood as we are still and know He is God.

Take a PAUSE and leave us a comment.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Sheri. I am slowly, but surely learning to recognize God's voice amidst the storm. It's when I'm still before Him that I can hear Him most clearly. For a long time I kept asking Him to please speak clearly to me so I can hear Him better, then one morning, He so lovingly admonished me that He had been speaking clearly all along. I just had to be still and listen :) God bless you.



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