Water Retention Remedies

Ladies and husbands if you want to help your wife out..Check out these all natural water retention remedies…(thanks to Johanna Carol Paco)

Aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, biking or swimming, enhance circulation of blood flow and oxygen in your body, and rid your body of excess fluid through sweat. Though regular exercise throughout your cycle is best, exercising while your symptoms are present can provide immediate benefits. You need at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days for best results. Doing so can also help reduce depressive moods and fatigue associated with PMS. If you have limited time, 5 to 10 minutes of brisk activity, such as jump-roping or sprinting on a treadmill or outdoors, can increase your heart rate and help prevent or reduce bloating. Consult with your health care provider before beginning an exercise program.

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and eating hydrating foods such as fresh fruit, soups or low-fat milk, helps flush excess fluid from your body, and can also prevent and reduce bloating. It is always best to drink water and pure juices rather than sugary soft drinks or caffeinated beverages, which can exacerbate PMS symptoms. Decaffeinated herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint tea, provide soothing and hydrating alternatives to coffee.  Salty foods can trigger or worsen water retention, so limiting your salt intake can reduce your symptoms. Your diet should be based on whole, nutritious foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and limited salty, processed foods. Avoid common high-salt foods such as potato chips, pretzels, French fries, canned soups, frozen entrees, fast food, and processed meats and cheeses before and during menstruation. For additional benefits, season your food with natural herbs, fruit juice or low-sodium salt alternatives rather than table salt.                                              

Large meals can exacerbate water retention, particularly if your meal contains salty foods. Instead, focus on smaller, frequent meals. Aim for balanced “mini meals,” such as whole grain toast, yogurt and fruit, or half of a tuna sandwich with steamed vegetables, at regular time intervals throughout each day. Eating frequent meals can also enhance your blood sugar, energy levels and mood balance, and prevent overeating when food cravings set in. In fact, staying on top your hunger by eating before you feel famished may prevent food cravings all together. If you do desire a treat food, such as chocolate, keep your portion size modest.

What water retention remedies have you tried?  
 What has worked the best?   
Leave a comment and let us know! 

Johanna is a 46 years old and has been practicing general dentistry for 20 years in Southern California. She is married with four step children and two grandchildren. Just like with many women, her work day does not end when she comes home from work.   Her husband is a personal trainer who runs his own bootcamp and they have a home based business in the health and wellness industry. She has the pleasure (not!) of managing their household and business finances. That in itself is another full time job! On top of that, she volunteers at her church twice a month and she also actively involved in other ministries outside of her church.

For more info go to Johanna’s website at http://menopause-help.com/ or follow her on Facebook  http://facebook.com/menopausehelp7

Thank you Johanna...you are a blessing!

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