I could hear Charlie Brown yelling in my head as I was watching the news broadcast about the mayhem that happened on Black Friday.  “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”   

From the time of its first telecast and every year since December 9, 1965, Charlie Brown has been yelling this from the rooftops.  Poor Charlie Brown, the materialism and commercialism of Christmas had him depressed. 
(This treasured holiday special usually airs the first week of December, but to be sure check your local listings).


Lucy encouraged Charlie Brown to get involved and direct the school play.  Though he was reluctant and struggled, he learns the true meaning of Christmas. 

Who says we can’t learn from cartoons…there are so many opportunities available for us to help others get in the proper mood:

How about doing a walk through the Yellow Pages and picking out a few people to send a card to (DO NOT put your return address on the card and sign from Your Heavenly Father).

Join a local church in reaching out to the communities.

Or go to a convalescent home,visit a patient who has not had any visitors (check with the activities coordinator). 

Yes, I’m joining Charlie Brown in an attempt to restore the proper spirit of Christmas, but instead of us waiting on Linus; WE can show and tell others what the true meaning of Christmas is all about; it is about our Savior, Christ our Lords’ birth.  

From the Pausing With God family to yours,
God bless you with a Merry Christmas 
and a Blessed New Year!

PAUSE and send us a comment on your plans to make a difference.


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