Book Review of “Pausing With God- A JOURNEY THROUGH MENOPAUSE” by Anita Harris

I met Sheri Powell through online ministry about four months ago, and we became instant friends. Among her many ministries,  Sheri volunteers, and mentors inner-city children.

She is passionate about all night prayer shut-ins for women, and she invites women to take part in the shut-ins, no matter where they live.  I have personally joined in on two of the shut-ins and I can tell you, they are life changing!

When you talk to Sheri, you can’t help but feel her passion, and you want to tap in to that passion and go along for the ride!

Sheri has become a trusted friend, confidant, and prayer partner.  We have not met in person yet, but when we talk on the phone, it’s as if we’ve known each other, forever.

Sheri has written her first book, titled:  “Pausing With God - A JOURNEY THROUGH MENOPAUSE”

Menopause is one of those things that can often seem as if it is meant to be experienced alone. Sheri turns this belief on its head in “Pausing with God…”

She forces Menopause out of the box and exposes it for what it is; a God ordained season of life. A season that challenges us mentally, stretches us physically, and often has us holding on for dear life!  But menopause, as Sheri explains throughout the book, is also spiritual.

She packs “Pausing with God” with more than enough proof, that even though we must endure it - we ARE NOT alone.

Sheri reminds us never to forget to: “Take time to Pause.”  No, not the “pause” of menopause; the” pause” during menopause.  This “pause” reminds us to STOP and take time for ourselves.


“Pausing with God” isn’t filled with medical terms or self-help jargon. What it is filled with, chapter after chapter, are words of comfort, hope empowerment, and your thoughts.

That’s right, your thoughts. You see “Pausing with God” includes personal journal pages that allow the reader time for reflection and a place to record thoughts and feelings that come to mind (great idea Sheri)!

Sheri encourages readers to depend on God’s grace, and on one another, but she goes one step further. She challenges us to view menopause as an ordained “season of preparation and change” (See Jeremiah 1: 5).

On page 17, Sheri challenges her readers to look at menopause as a “MILESTONE” instead of a ROADBLOCK—choosing to reflect on the journey to and through the BIG “M.”

Below, is a quote from page 17 of, “Pausing with God”
“For most of us, a large span of our lives, time and energy had been invested in spouses, children, families, friends, jobs, church and other extracurricular activities. Don’t get me wrong. These investments are important. But women tend to put themselves on the “back burner” while the demands, expectations and responsibilities of others monopolize their time. Menopause is a time in our life, we are able to take all the experiences and celebrate how far we have come, who we are, and where we are headed. The season of menopause enables us to take an honest look at our lives and come up with a game plan for the second half.”

The quote is taken from Chapter 3- “HALFTIME” where Sheri compares the plight of menopause to football.  She encourages women to allow God to reveal His strategy for the second half of our lives. Sheri goes on to say, with God’s strategy working in our lives, we will win the championship!

With candor, simplicity, and a bit of humor, Sheri unites us, through her ability to write about her own struggles with menopause.

Quote from Pausing With God:  “One day unexpectedly there came a knock on the door. Enter Mr. and Mrs. Mood Swings and their Twins, Aches and Pains. They came carrying overnight bags which contain ways of fatigue, loss of energy, weight gain, depression, headaches, muscle pain, dry, brittle nails, PMS symptoms, fluctuating body temperature, elevated cholesterol, allergies and some memory loss. I found out later that these were all symptoms associated with menopause.”

“During these times, I knew I needed to cry out to God for his love, mercy and grace. I would rise up early just so I could put forth the effort needed to make time for him. At first this was a struggle, but then I found it to be a privilege and a special time of sweet fellowship with the Lord. Daily God ministered and encouraged me with His Word. “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord…” (See Jeremiah 29:11-14).

Sheri doesn’t stand around the perimeter of “Pausing with God” telling us “how to.” Her story is at the center of the book. She is more than willing to say, “Me too.”

Her purpose for the book is to help women understand that menopause, although inevitable, is survivable.  She refers to menopause, as our “Titus Season” in Chapter 10—an opportunity to teach, minister and to prepare women who are still traveling toward the starting line of menopause, and those who need encouragement along the way. Sheri shares words of wisdom, and she shares experiences from women she spoke to while writing “Pausing with God.”

After a few more chapters the book concludes her first book with a remarkable chapter entitled,” Ecclesiastes.” To everything there IS a season. Menopause IS one of those seasons.

“Pausing with God—The Journey Through Menopause is a must-read for:  Women who are approaching menopause, Women who are in the throes of menopause, Women who know someone experiencing the effects of menopause and husbands and couples who want to learn more about menopause, together.

This book blessed, encouraged, and empowered me. I am only 47 years old, and I am in my ninth year of menopause.

God to and you can find out more about Sheri and learn more about her ministry and her book.  Blessings!  Anita

(you can visit Anita Harris at


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