A couple of months ago, I went to a church event to do a book signing.    The person in charge directed to a spot where I was to set up.  Ah, I thought I have the best seat in the house, right next to the biggest grill I have ever seen. 

I introduced myself to the chef.  In between the turning of his ribs, chicken, and Italian sausage; we found out that we had something in common.  He loves to cook and feed people and me, I just love people.

Later when it was time for me to leave, he echoed to let him know if he could ever help.  Jokily I said, “How about at a BACK 2 SCHOOL rally?”  Without hesitation, we exchanged info and I shuffled off. 

Months later, I get a call and the voice on the other end said, “Okay tell me where, what to bring and the time. 

On August 20, 2011, we hosted a rally in the Victory Pointe housing community on the Westside of Jacksonville, Florida. 

In addition to enjoying non-stop food and fun, we were able to share a message of hope to the kids, that all they have to do is carry their new backpacks and Jesus will carry their burdens as they begin a new school year. 

This day was possible because some people wanted to make a difference.  SHOUT OUT to: Wayne Watkins of Coggin Buick GMC of Orange Park, Florida.

Anita Harris, who sent us a love offering all the way from North Carolina to aid in the purchase of over 100 backpacks and Betty & Burl Traylor for bringing Sidewalk Funday School to the community. 

Now it’s your turn, ask yourself; how can YOU make a difference in a least one person’s life.  When you do, you have a money back guarantee that by being a blessing, you in turn; receive a blessing!

P.S. you can never figure out a teenager, they wanted the smaller backpacks  :>)



  1. Love seeing the children! Thank God for people like you and others who take the time to bless these little ones. I was humbled to be a small part of the day. The book bags help them prepare for the school year, but the love and time you all gave, point them to Jesus.


  2. Anita we appreciate you more than you know..the pictures do not do their reaction justice. Who knows maybe next year Lord willing you can be hear with us. Love ya and God bless


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