
Showing posts from 2012


Menopause which had been known to effect women only, has caused men to become more vocal and ask what about us? The first study on male menopause was published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" in the mid-1940s, it's only recently that the U.S. medical community has taken notice of this condition, says Dr. Adrian Dobs, an endocrinologist and associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. About 25 million men in the US, ages 40-55 are experiencing male menopause today, a condition that society had previously labeled as mid-life crisis. What is Male Menopause? Male menopause, also called andropause (an-drə-ˌpȯz\),which is the decline in a man's testosterone levels. Testosterone also called male hormones is produced by the male testes. (Here's an amazing piece of information: testosterone can also be converted into estrogens (the main female hormone).  This occurs particularly in fat cells -- hmmm, so some fa...

Pausing With God presents the finale of Kathleen’s story …

A new chapter began in my life and I wondered can restoration with my sons come forth, will I see my boys again?   The Lord immediately gave me two Scriptures Jeremiah 31:15-18 and Isaiah 60:4.  He told me, "Do not weep any longer for I am going to reward you."   He said,  “Look and see everyone is coming home, your sons are coming home from the distant lands.” God told me, “Kathleen, I am omnipotent; you take care of what I put in front of you here in Jacksonville.  Keep ministering to the women on the streets and sowing my seeds of love and I am going to take care of your boys and that situation in Venezuela.” Wow! God’s word is true and alive!  Hearing His promises from His Word and hearing His voice increased my faith and my prayer life.   On August 15, 2010, I joyfully made my way to the Miami airport -- my oldest son was coming home.   The first thing I noticed, he was very tall, just like that vision that G...

Pausing With God presents: Mother Day Champion ..continued

Kathleen's story Part 2 God allowed me to go through a spiritual experience of complete darkness that I can only describe as a living hell. In the midst of this journey, God took over and fought for my soul.  As He rescued me, I began to experience a peace that all the words in the dictionary cannot describe. God gave me a vision, I saw myself standing at a podium, sharng my story.  On one side of me was a man - but I could not see his face, on the other side of me were my 2 boys who had grown very tall and afar off was my ex-husband. After I was placed in the locked jail cell, I curled up on the floor in a fetal position.  For some reason unbeknown to me; they were playing Christian (angelic) music over the loud speaker.  The music became so loud in my ears, it woke me up. I began to get a tingly feeling all over. All of a sudden a burst of energy ran through my body and I quickly jumped to the floor.  I raised my arms and hands to the sky and right th...

Southern Writers: Suite T: Dr. Who?

Southern Writers: Suite T: Dr. Who? : by Sheri Powell There are many women like me who prefer a female OB/GYN. My reason though it is humorous now, was not funny back then...

Pausing With God Presents Tammy's Journey 'Through'

Pausing With God: Tammy's Journey 'Through' : Some years ago, Tammy had a good friend pass away from her battle with breast cancer; this unfortunate event caused her to begin to think a...

Tammy's Journey 'Through'

Some years ago, Tammy had a good friend pass away from her battle with breast cancer; this unfortunate event caused her to begin to think about the importance of mammogram screenings. In September 2009, while lying in her bed; Tammy had an itch on her left breast and while examining herself she felt a lump.   Soon after, Tammy made her way to the doctors.  An hour  and  a half after her visit, her cell phone rang, the nurse informed her that the doctor saw something suspicious and ordered a MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) (a) on her right breast.  Tammy gave a perplexed reply, “You mean my left breast that is where I felt the lump.”  The nurse asked Tammy to hold on for a second, when she returned to the phone she said, “No, the right breast.”  As Tammy headed for her MRI appointment, she encountered additional tension, you see she is claustrophobic.  During the procedure, Tammy chose to repeat over and over again, Isaiah 41:10, Fea...

Pausing With God presents

Recently I reconnected with one of the girls that I had the privilege to mentor.  I was speechless as I saw a girl who had become a beautiful young woman.  I asked Iesha if she would write a short essay for the website.  I hope you are blessed as you read her story. Hello my name is Iesha Daniels, I am 18 years old and a former Smart Girls (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training ) member.  I joined Smart Girls at the age of 14.  I can say with all honesty; that if it was not for the SMART Girls program, I do not think that I would have grown to be the woman I am today.  SMART Girls has taught me many qualities and characteristics that I use on a daily basis.  Every Wednesday, I would wait for Ms. Sheri to come to the Victory Pointe Boys & Girls Club.  The days that she could not make it, I was devastated because Smart Girls meant a lot to me. Here are a few of the memories and lessons that I have experienced while participating in the p...

Pausing With God: Menopause which had been known to effect women o...

Pausing With God: Menopause which had been known to effect women o... : Menopause which had been known to effect women only, has caused men to become more vocal and ask what about us? The first study on male m...
Menopause which had been known to effect women only, has caused men to become more vocal and ask what about us? The first study on male menopause was published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" in the mid-1940s, it's only recently that the U.S. medical community has taken notice of this condition, says Dr. Adrian Dobs, an endocrinologist and associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. About 25 million men in the US, ages 40-55 are experiencing male menopause today, a condition that society had previously labeled as mid-life crisis. What is Male Menopause? Male menopause, also called andropause (an-drə-ˌpȯz\), which is the decline in a man's testosterone levels.  Testosterone also called male hormones is produced by the male testes.  (Here’s an amazing piece of information: testosterone can also be converted into estrogen (the main female hormone).  This occurs particularly in fat cells -- hmmm, so some fat is good....
DR. WHO? There are many women like me who prefer a female OB/GYN.  My reason t hough it is humorous now, was not funny back then.  My story begins with, years ago when I was a KIDS Church leader, it was time for my annual check-up and so off to the doctors I went.  After completing the check-in ritual, I was shown to the examination room and I waited patiently for my doctor to come in. A few minutes later, a male doctor pops in and stares at me like he knows me.  I have this weird feeling inside my gut.  “Do you work at this hospital, you look familiar?” he asked.  “No”, I quickly responded.   I knew my regular doctor was pregnant, but her due date wasn’t for a couple of months.  That feeling in my belly intensified and so I nervously asked where my doctor was.  His reply was that she had been transferred to another unit.  I paused for a moment and then decided to proceed with the checkup.  Following the exam and after a ...

From A Different Perspective

I love to hear how you are dealing or have dealt with your season of menopause.  Today we feature one, shall we say; who has advanced passed menopause.  Read on as Sally shares her story. The journey into womanhood was not a very easy or enjoyable one for me. From the time I "became a woman" as they used to call it, every month I found myself in severe pain.   My mother and family doctor assured me this was a natural process and things would even out for me - but they never did! At 19 years of age, I began seeing Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OB/GYN) doctors, each of them asked me to describe my symptoms.  I explained to them the best way I knew how; my pain was like “a knife shooting through my body".  They came to a conclusion and their diagnosis for me was merely a bad case of CRAMPS.   Believe it or not I had one doctor who refused to examine me because I wasn't married, ‘Talk about your caveman’.   Anyways, my problems went on until I was ...
THE LEGENDARY MENSTRUAL CYCLE IT STARTS AND ENDS WITH …a period, which is also known as menstruation. Our menstruation is a healthy and natural part of our life, which we experience in what are known as cycles.  These cycles are counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of the next period.  An average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Women normally have two ovaries that store and release eggs. Each ovary is about the size of a walnut, and one ovary is located on each side of the uterus. One ovary produces one egg each month, and this process starts a woman's monthly menstrual cycle. The majority of women not only have the task of enduring the menstrual cycle, but also the journey through menopause.  So now you are probably wondering what the Menstrual Cycle has in to do with Menopause.  For one both of them begin with three common letters: M-E-N.   But seriously…because Menopause has four stages, Premenopause, Perimenopause, Menopause and...