Menopause which had been known to effect women only, has caused men to become more vocal and ask what about us? The first study on male menopause was published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" in the mid-1940s, it's only recently that the U.S. medical community has taken notice of this condition, says Dr. Adrian Dobs, an endocrinologist and associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. About 25 million men in the US, ages 40-55 are experiencing male menopause today, a condition that society had previously labeled as mid-life crisis. What is Male Menopause? Male menopause, also called andropause (an-drə-ˌpȯz\),which is the decline in a man's testosterone levels. Testosterone also called male hormones is produced by the male testes. (Here's an amazing piece of information: testosterone can also be converted into estrogens (the main female hormone). This occurs particularly in fat cells -- hmmm, so some fa...