From A Different Perspective

I love to hear how you are dealing or have dealt with your season of menopause.  Today we feature one, shall we say; who has advanced passed menopause.  Read on as Sally shares her story.

The journey into womanhood was not a very easy or enjoyable one for me. From the time I "became a woman" as they used to call it, every month I found myself in severe pain.   My mother and family doctor assured me this was a natural process and things would even out for me - but they never did!

At 19 years of age, I began seeing Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OB/GYN) doctors, each of them asked me to describe my symptoms.  I explained to them the best way I knew how; my pain was like “a knife shooting through my body".  They came to a conclusion and their diagnosis for me was merely a bad case of CRAMPS.  Believe it or not I had one doctor who refused to examine me because I wasn't married, ‘Talk about your caveman’.  Anyways, my problems went on until I was in my mid 30's; and then I decided to go to a female OB/GYN.  She performed several tests and advised me that she felt the only answer to my problem was to have a hysterectomy.  

After my surgery, which by the way, was a total hysterectomy, my doctor described how intertwined my female and other bodily organs were, she said that my body never had a chance to perform normally.  The doctor thought about putting me on hormones, but because I was a smoker; we came to a decision to see how I would function without them.

Watching my mother suffer through various symptoms of menopause, I counted my surgery to be a blessing.  Because my body never functioned normally, I did not experience the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, mood swings or night sweats, etc...) and I was really glad I missed that part of the journey.

However, I do have compassion for those that have to take part in it and would like to encourage you to take care of yourself, you deserve it.  

Here’s a little something about Sally

I have known Sally for over 5 years and I never knew she liked to write.  Sally shared how she has always wanted to write a book and actually started a couple of times but never finished, until one day that all changed. 

Sally loves animals and is known to give them a place to stay, right in her own home. Weeks after a homeless kitten who they named Leo, was added to the family;  Sally came home from work and was informed that Leo had a friend.  It seemed that Leo had received so much love in his new home, when he became friends with a wandering turtle (Apollo),  Leo kindly moved him right into his own backyard.

Imagine that a cat and a turtle becoming friends.  Sally was inspired to begin writing again, as she watched these two entirely different animals become friends. In writing Leo and Apollo, it is Sally’s desire for us to see that friendship has no barriers, if Leo and Apollo can do it; there is hope for mankind.

You can purchase Leo and Apollo’s book 
or read more about Sally on 
or ‘LIKE’ Facebook page

If you have any funny animal or human being friendship stories, feel free to leave us a comment, we'd love to hear from you.

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