There are many women like me who prefer a female OB/GYN.  My reason though it is humorous now, was not funny back then.  My story begins with, years ago when I was a KIDS Church leader, it was time for my annual check-up and so off to the doctors I went.  After completing the check-in ritual, I was shown to the examination room and I waited patiently for my doctor to come in.

A few minutes later, a male doctor pops in and stares at me like he knows me.  I have this weird feeling inside my gut.  “Do you work at this hospital, you look familiar?” he asked.  “No”, I quickly responded.  

I knew my regular doctor was pregnant, but her due date wasn’t for a couple of months.  That feeling in my belly intensified and so I nervously asked where my doctor was.  His reply was that she had been transferred to another unit.  I paused for a moment and then decided to proceed with the checkup.  Following the exam and after a brief consultation, I left the hospital and never gave this encounter a second thought.

The following Wednesday night in KIDS Church, as our service was wrapping up, some of the parents arrived early to pick up their children.  Guess who shows up?  Yep, Dr. Who (I never did get his name).  I felt like I was about to faint.  I whispered to one of the teachers to cover for me as I ran to the back of the room to hide.  This turned out to be one of the most embarrassing moments in my life.  For the next couple of months when I was in church, I continued to dodge Dr. Who, who I am told has since moved out of state.  As you have probably guessed, because of this incident, I make sure my doctor is in, before I go to the examination room. 

I shared this story not to just give you a giggle, though it is funny now…but to encourage each of you to follow through with your regular and annual checkups. One lady shared that she sets her appointments in conjunction with Daylight Savings Time; she springs forward, so her health doesn't fall behind.  Speaking of Daylight Savings time…..it is upon us and the doctor is in!

Here is a brief list of some routine checkups:
Ages 18 to 39
Check and record height and weight to compare to later years.
Check blood pressure.
Re-immunize for inoculations (ex:tetanus and pertussis)
Check cholesterol levels 
Examine breasts for lumps.
Perform a pelvic exam and Pap smear. .

Ages 40 to 64
Check height and weight.
Examine breasts for lumps.
Perform a pelvic exam and Pap smear. 
Blood pressure check.
Schedule a mammogram.
Check cholesterol levels.
Check blood sugar levels for signs of diabetes
FSH and estradiol test for menopause hormones levels.
Suggest a colonoscopy, if you're at high risk or have a family history of colon cancer.
Perform a full-body examination for suspicious moles or skin lesions.
Check vaccination history

Ages 65 and Older
All of the above, as well as:
Recheck height and weight. 
Schedule a repeat colonoscopy if you haven't had one in the last 10 years.
Mention the pneumococcal vaccination -- it helps protect against pneumonia. 
Ask about the shingles vaccination.
Continue getting yearly flu shots.
Perform a bone density scan.

As with every check up, always voice your concerns with your doctor, keep track of the date and results of your last visit and tests results and any question you have for your next doctor's visit.

If you have a funny or encouraging story, please leave us a comment, we would love to hear from you.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of the information on this site is intended to act as or take the place of medical
advice. You should consult with your medical provider(s) on all aspects of your health. The information on this
site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition.


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