Pausing With God presents

Recently I reconnected with one of the girls that I had the privilege to mentor.  I was speechless as I saw a girl who had become a beautiful young woman.  I asked Iesha if she would write a short essay for the website.  I hope you are blessed as you read her story.

Hello my name is Iesha Daniels, I am 18 years old and a former Smart Girls (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) member.  I joined Smart Girls at the age of 14.  I can say with all honesty; that if it was not for the SMART Girls program, I do not think that I would have grown to be the woman I am today.  SMART Girls has taught me many qualities and characteristics that I use on a daily basis. 

Every Wednesday, I would wait for Ms. Sheri to come to the Victory Pointe Boys & Girls Club.  The days that she could not make it, I was devastated because Smart Girls meant a lot to me.

Here are a few of the memories and lessons that I have experienced while participating in the program:

The time we read Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, this turned out to be one of my favorite books. 

Our trip to Disney World, this was my first time there and we had a lot of fun.  

My favorite - the lessons on manners, I liked this one because I never knew that there was so many ways to present yourself. 

As a result of being in Smart Girls my life have changed for the better, in high school I studied and have completed Navy Junior ROTC and will be joining the Navy soon.

Thanks to Smart Girls and mostly Ms. Sheri for making a dramatic impact in my life and giving me chance to pay it forward and  change someone else’s life.


In Chapter 10 of Pausing With God, I shared how we seasoned (older, elder) women are accountable to disciple, teach, instruct and rebuke the younger generation.  Though it currently looks dim and this responsibility appears to have diminshed, I hope that Iesha’s testimony has awakened something in us; that it will motivate us to PAUSE and look around our youth are falling by the way side. 

Be encouraged, we can make a difference, even if it is with one youth at a time.  Thank you Iesha for sharing, there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how everyone of you girls (and the guys) have blessed me and my family. 

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