Pausing With God presents: Mother Day Champion ..continued

Kathleen's story Part 2

God allowed me to go through a spiritual experience of complete darkness that I can only describe as a living hell. In the midst of this journey, God took over and fought for my soul.  As He rescued me, I began to experience a peace that all the words in the dictionary cannot describe.

God gave me a vision, I saw myself standing at a podium, sharng my story.  On one side of me was a man - but I could not see his face, on the other side of me were my 2 boys who had grown very tall and afar off was my ex-husband.

After I was placed in the locked jail cell, I curled up on the floor in a fetal position.  For some reason unbeknown to me; they were playing Christian (angelic) music over the loud speaker.  The music became so loud in my ears, it woke me up.

I began to get a tingly feeling all over. All of a sudden a burst of energy ran through my body and I quickly jumped to the floor.  I raised my arms and hands to the sky and right there surrendered my life to this God that I did not even believe in.

It was at this moment, I became brand new and the restoration process began.  Within he next 2 years, all of my legal issues connected to my arrest were resolved.  The Lord set me free.  

Some would say, you could be bitter, but through all of this, God has made me 'better'.   All that I had experienced was preparation for the ministry that God had planted and birthed in me, Grace Ministry of Helping Hands.   God has anointed us to take the message of freedom and hope to women who are living on the streets of Jacksonville, Florida. Women who are in bondage to drugs, alcohol and sex.

Remember the man in my vision whose face I couldn't see, guess who that turned out to be?

Since surrendering my life to Jesus, God has blessed me with a wonderful man and we were married on June 7, 2008.  

Settling in married bliss, little did I know that what lied ahead.  In July of 2009, my boys left for a surfing trip to Costa Rica supposedly to return on August 5th; but they never did and I later found out via an email from my older son that their dad had taken them and fled the country.  

You may not think so, but God was also working behind the scenes in restoring my relationship with my boys.....

Stay_Tuned be continued
If you would like to contact Kathleen or volunteer for GRACE MINISTRIES email @ or you call @ 904-885-5989.


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