Special Delivery
Special Delivery
Every day I wake up wondering what adventures or opportunities shall I encounter…well today’s was no different.
Sometime this morning the doorbell rings. I get up from my desk and walk over and look out the window. As I pull the curtains back, I notice a delivery truck going down the street away from my house. The Ring doorbell recorded that a package had been delivered. I pause and think to myself, ‘Hmmm, I don’t recall ordering anything.’
Downstairs I go, a tad excited as maybe it was something my husband ordered. I open the door and look down, the box wasn’t as big as I thought it would be. I picked it up to check out the label. Of course you know the tracking and all the other stickers they slap on boxes are larger than the address label. I take a second look, the package wasn’t for us nor did I recognize the name or address.
As I ponder what to do, I begin writing down the information from the label. Who do I call first, the delivery carrier (I won’t mention the name of the company, to protect the innocent as we all could have made the same mistake) or the person’s name on the box. I call the company to advise them that the package had been delivered to the wrong address. Unfortunately, because a few digits were missing from the tracking number; they were unable to help me.
I hung up from that representative and made another attempt, after explaining the scenario again; no luck. So I decided to do a little detective work. I noticed the address wasn’t too far from my house, but far enough to scratch your head as to how it was delivered to my residence. My search uncovered a phone number which I hoped was the person whose merchandise was in my possession.
I called the number, introduced myself and inquired if they were expecting a delivery. You could feel their excitement through the phone. Earlier in the day, they had received notification that the package had been delivered, but when they went to look for it outside their home, it was not to there so they waited for an explanation from the company.
Without any hesitation, I asked if they’d like me to bring it to them. “Yes, please we’d appreciate it.” I gathered the merchandise and jumped in the car and made my way a few streets over.

I turned into their subdivision, then crept down the cul-de-sac. As I pulled up to the home, there was no mistake if I had the right place there was this bubbly gentleman waving me down. He chatted up several ‘thank you’ and as I handed him the box, he handed me some money. I tried to refuse it, but he said, “No ma’am please take it, my wife taught me how to treat people when they go out of their way for you”.
In my head, my thoughts were ‘Actually it was no trouble at all. The smile on your face alone was worth it. And besides I hope what I did for him, someone would do the same for me if given the opportunity.
I rolled the window back up and drove off with a smile on my face, while not every adventure ends the same way; today I was thankful that the mission was accomplished!
What about you? Pause and post a comment about What you would do if you were presented with this opportunity?
Sheri is founder of Pausing With God Ministries and also the author of ‘Pausing With God: A Journey Through Menopause’ (English & Spanish), ‘Pausing In His Presence: A Shut In Experience’, ‘A Woman of Excellence: The Ministry of My Mother’ and the recently released paperback: ‘God’s Got It Don’t Worry About Anything’.
Sheri is available for live and virtual seminars, conferences, evangelistic outreaches, youth events, bible studies, Christian counseling, workshops, or book signings for your event. To contact or book Sheri for your engagement, submit a request by US Mail: Pausing With God Ministries P.O. Box 9172 Fleming Island, FL 32006 or email at PausingWithGod@gmail.com.
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