Pausing With God Resources
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God’s God It Don’t Worry About Anything
God’s Got It is a sequel to The Ministry of My Mother – A Woman of Excellence. The relationship between a father and his daughter is just as important as the one between mothers and daughters. The dynamics of a father and daughter relationship may range from healthy to unwholesome. It affects you on so many levels: emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually. God’s Got It will remind some and refresh others… ● Remember, it’s not how you start, but how you finish. ● Realize you will experience a storm or two in your lifetime. ● Reexamine your relationship with your father, your daughter, but most of all with yourself.

A Woman of Excellence: The Ministry of My Mother, A Memoir
The dynamics of a mother and daughter relationship take may range from healthy to unwholesome. They can affect you on so many levels: emotionally, mentally, physically, financially and spiritually. The Ministry of My Mother will remind some and refresh others… • Remember, it’s not how you started, but how you end. • Realize that we all experience a storm or two at some point in our lives • Reexamine our relationship with our mother, our daughter, but most of all with ourselves.

Pausing With God A Journey Through Menopause
We were told about puberty, our menstruation, but no one taught or told us about menopause. There are libraries full of secular books on menopause, but how many have you found written from a spiritual perspective. Menopause is a natural and inevitable time in a woman’s life, but just the anticipation of this event can have one on pins and needles. From hot flashes to weight gain, every woman will experience different symptoms and to various degrees. Instead of focusing on what we can’t do, we’ll benefit most by setting our mind on what we can do.

Pausando Con Dios: Un Viaje A Traves de la Menopausia (Spanish Edition)
Debido a la demanda popular, se tramitó la versión en inglés: la menopausia es un momento natural e inevitable en la vida de una mujer, pero solo la anticipación de esta temporada puede tener uno en “alfileres y agujas”. Pausa con Dios Un viaje a través de la menopausia provocará risas, sí; incluso en medio de un sofoco. Este libro en rústica fácil de leer redirigirá su enfoque de lo que no puede hacer para concentrarse en lo que puede hacer. Con el cuidado de su médico, educándose y rodeándose de amigos con ideas afines, descubrirá que la última parte de su vida puede ser la mejor.

A sequel to Pausing with God: A Journey through Menopause . Sheri Powell has recently published her second book Pausing with God: A Shut-In Experience. In both selections, Sheri reveals the importance of pausing with God; now she’s encouraging us to make it a lifestyle. She communicates in a simplistic manner that no matter what season of life we find ourselves, when we take the time to pause in His presence, we will discover peace that passes all understanding. In Pausing In His Presence we find that we have everything we need to have a Romans 8:28 experiences. Pausing With God was the beginning, Pausing In His Presence motivates us to make communing with God (prayer) a way of life.
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