
Showing posts from 2014

Always Sisters ~ Always Friends

Earlier today, I sat prepping for an upcoming event. I came across this a nugget and thought I'd share an excerpt with you.    W h y can ’t women get along, it’s because we are afraid to be vulnerable, afraid to be soft, afraid to be hurt, most of all afraid of our power. So we become controlling and aggressive - vicious.   Why can’t women get along, it's because we’ve been taught to be bad rather to be powerful. (Courtesy of Iyanla’s reflections) Pausing With God Ministries is a nonprofit corporation organized to inspire and engage congregations and the community at large.   The Lord has given us a platform to encourage and edify women of all ages. We are partnering with the Body of Christ to break the silence and address uncharted territory. The topic of the day is MENOPAUSE.  It is estimated that as many as 6,000 US women reach menopause every day. The gender makeup of a vast majority of churches and religious groups reveals that t...

Pausing In His Presence A Shut-In Experience by Sheri Powell

Imagine, if you will, the opportunity to have a “shut-in” with God, a beautiful time in which you dedicate yourself to true intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a time in which you will never forget the amazing peace and joy. Pausing in His Presence allows readers to take the unforgettable journey from the Outer Court to the Holy Place and then finally into the place of pure satisfaction and rest--the Holy of Holies. Author Sheri Powell welcomes you to partake in the memorable experiences of many others as you read “Pausing in His Presence”.

Handmaiden - Premiere Issue - 15

Handmaiden - Premiere Issue - 15

Menopause Awareness Month

Menopause Awareness Month September is Menopause Awareness Month and Saturday, October 18th is World Menopause Day. These dates were created to bring awareness to this misunderstood and stigmatized season of a woman’s life. For most of us as adolescence we were told about puberty, menstruation and pregnancy; but not about menopause.  It’s humorous that it took us almost 12 years to get to puberty and only 12 consecutive months to confirm that we are menopausal. Menopause is the time when a woman's menstrual period ends. Menopause is considered complete when a woman has been without  her period for one year. Menopause can occur any time between ages 40  and 60. On average, it occurs at age 51. By the year 2030, it is expected that there will be 1.2 billion women who  are 50 years of age or older. That means there will be a large amount of females embarking on their journey through menopause. Wit...


There is an old cliché that is often spoken this time of year, ‘My how time has flown’.  Sitting between July and September is the eight month of the year. Over 200 days have passed since January 1, 2014 and this may be the year that you have begun their journey through menopause.  For some it has been a breeze, for others a blast.  Countless women have struggled --- ohh, while numerous have sighed --- ahh? Menopause is a normal part of life, just like puberty.  It is estimated that 6,000 US women reach menopause every day. By the year 2020, the number of women who will be older than 55 is estimated to be around 46 million.   With increasing life expectancy, many women will spend up to 40% of their lives in the postmenopausal stage.  Half of all women who reach age 50 will live to be at least 80 years old. These statistics are one of the main reasons we continue to reach out and make an attempt to educate, empower and encourage as many wome...

Pausing With God presents ...The Courage Of A Queen

Though I have watched the movie, "One Night With The King" many times, it never gets old.  This movie portrays the life of the young Jewish girl, Hadassah.  Due to circumstances beyond her control she was selected to become Esther, the Queen of Persia. The full account can be read in the Book of Esther in the Bible.  This story reminds me of us, yes; you and me.  There are situations in our lives that we did not sign up for.  The passage through menopause is a perfect example.  This is one expedition we would have skipped if given the chance. Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility.  Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States.  It is a natural biological process. Although it ends fertility, you can stay healthy, vital and sexual. Some women feel relieved because they no longer need to worry about pregnancy. But for many menopause has thrown them into a tail spin.  Co...

What's In A Whisper?

What's In A Whisper?   As she paused with God, Rita recently found out and she is not content in keeping it to herself.  Rita is going to take what God has given her and shower it on others like an avalanche. PAUSE and read her testimony. May 1, 2014 Dear Sheri,       Hello my name is Rita Vienne. I have quite a testimony to share with you. Your name was given to me by the Holy Spirit. You see I have been struggling very much with menopause, in fact everything that could possibly happen to a woman during menopause has happened to me! So one night approximately three weeks ago before I went to bed, I truly cried out to God. I haven't had much sleep due to night sweats. Of course my emotions have been on a roller coaster as well.  As I was waking up the very next morning, I heard the Lords' voice say your name "Sheri Powell", three times ever so softly. I said, "Ok Lord is this someo...