Menopause Awareness Month


September is Menopause Awareness Month and Saturday, October 18th
is World Menopause Day. These dates were created to bring awareness to
this misunderstood and stigmatized season of a woman’s life.

For most of us as adolescence we were told about puberty, menstruation
and pregnancy; but not about menopause.  It’s humorous that it took
us almost 12 years to get to puberty and only 12 consecutive months
to confirm that we are menopausal.


Menopause is the time when a woman's menstrual period ends.

Menopause is considered complete when a woman has been without
 her period for one year. Menopause can occur any time between ages 40
 and 60. On average, it occurs at age 51.

By the year 2030, it is expected that there will be 1.2 billion women who
 are 50 years of age or older. That means there will be a large amount of females embarking on their journey through menopause.

With these statistics, regardless if one is peri (the time in a
woman's life shortly before menopause), meno (the ceasing of
menstruation) or post (the time after which a woman has experienced
 twelve (12) consecutive months without a period); it is in our best
interest to connect with as many sister-friends as we can.

It is impossible to cover all the information, we have listed a few facts
 about menopause.  Keep in mind every female will react differently
and can experience one or more of the symptoms associated with menopause.

Here are a few facts:
 Peri-menopause can begin as early as your 30’s.
 The average woman hits menopause around the age of 51.
Some women experience post menopause until around the age of 60.
Smoking increases your odds of early menopause.
 80% of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes.
 40% of menopausal women suffer from mood swings caused
 by hormonal dips.
PAUSE and join me in the Menopause Mambo

Might we suggest that you keep a journal or log of your medical history
 and/or changes in your body.  Make sure you see your doctor for
 routine physical exams and if you are not satisfied, seek a second
 opinion-you are your best health advocate.

We would love to hear from you.  
You can send us an email at  
Leave us a comment, prayer request in the Prayer Center, 
visit us on PausingWithGod Facebook page or Tweet #PausingWithHim

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of the information on this site is intended to act as or take the place of medical advice. You should consult with your medical provider(s) on all aspects of your health. The information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition.


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