Always Sisters ~ Always Friends

Earlier today, I sat prepping for an upcoming event. I came across this a nugget and thought I'd share an excerpt with you.

Why can’t women get along, it’s because we are afraid to be vulnerable, afraid to be soft, afraid to be hurt, most of all afraid of our power. So we become controlling and aggressive - vicious.  Why can’t women get along, it's because we’ve been taught to be bad rather to be powerful. (Courtesy of Iyanla’s reflections)

Pausing With God Ministries is a nonprofit corporation organized to inspire and engage congregations and the community at large.  The Lord has given us a platform to encourage and edify women of all ages. We are partnering with the Body of Christ to break the silence and address uncharted territory.
The topic of the day is MENOPAUSE.  It is estimated that as many as 6,000 US women reach menopause every day. The gender makeup of a vast majority of churches and religious groups reveals that there is a higher percentage of women than men attending on a weekly basis.

By the year 2020, the number of women who will be older than 55 years of age is estimated to be 46 million. In addition, with the increase in life expectancy, more women will spend up to 40% of their lives in the postmenopausal stage.  With these alarming statistics, it is vital that we bring awareness, especially to the Body of Christ.   

Along with the physical challenges we face with menopause, many of our sister-friends are overwhelmed emotionally and mentally. Others are trying to dig out off a spiritual drought.  PWGM is your female version of Aaron or Hur, coming along side of a you, holding up your arms, encouraging you one step at a time (Exodus 17:12).

Our workshops, sermonettes, conferences and shut-ins are presented to encourage, enrich, edify, empower women to love themselves, one another and be all that they were created to be.   
For more information, schedule or invite us; email Sheri at  

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