Various groups of ladies and myself have been blessed with the opportunity to SHUT-IN. We usually set aside an uninterrupted twenty-four hour period to Dwell In A Place and seek the Lord.

One particular shut in, we began by first standing in The Outer Court with thanksgiving in our hearts.  As the Lord invited us to go further, we found ourselves at The Brazen Altar, sacrificing and surrendering everything that hindered us.  Our feet had to be washed in the Laver before we could even think about entering into the Holy Place.

Once we were cleansed through His Word, we advanced into The Inner Court.  We passed The Table of Showbread as the Lord guided us with the light from His Golden Candlesticks.   Without any thought, we moved in a time of prayer and intercession as we rested by The Golden Altar.


With a spirit of expectancy, we carefully entered The Most Holy Place or what is also known as The Holy of Holies.  Here we came face to face with who we are in Christ and who He is in us.  The Veil had been torn and our hearts became the place that the Lord could dwell in.  As we laid next to The Ark of the Covenant and The Mercy Seat, we felt the presence and power of God.  Humbled in His presence we thanked Him for His love, mercy and grace.

As time drew close for us to depart, we had a sense of what Exodus, Chapter 40 meant when it spoke of The Tabernacle, a portable dwelling place for God.    

Are not our earthly bodies a dwelling place for God’s presence?  If so, He desires to dwell in you; so that you can become a DWELLING PLACE for Him. 

Let us hear from you, feel free to post a comment…and in all you do, don’t forget to Pause!


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