When I was growing up, I remember the only time we played video games was an occasional visit to the arcade.  Most of our time was spent outside.  We played tag, hopscotch, dodge ball and hide and seek – how could I forget the best one - sliding down the hill in a cardboard box.  Entertaining us did not cost nearly as much it does for kids today.

But things have changed in many households, some we are responsible for and some are out of our control.   With the pinball machine, we were the operators, but lately it appears that life has placed us inside the glass enclosure and is tossing us to and fro.  Just when we think we have learned how to coast our way out, we are thrown back to the top; starting all over again.


As a mother myself, I understand how hectic life can be and being in the midst of menopause does not make it any easier.  

Here are a few creative ways that may help:
1.  Purchase a cheap timer and set it – this is your time to unwind.
2.  Prepare as many meals ahead of time, put in the freezer and microwave as needed.
3.  Pray with your family and keep the lines of communication open.

You can break the glass, but even if you find that you have to remain in the game, at least you will have a few strategies that will keep you from being pinned down!


Let us hear from you, share a game you played when you were young 
and in all you do; don’t forget to PAUSE!


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