Daylight Saving Time (DST) was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, "An Economical Project." (1)

Daylight Saving Time falls on the second Sunday, which is March 13, 2011.  The benefit of the sun setting later in the evening outweighs the requirement of moving our clocks up by one hour. 

Believe it or not there are women who play the no pain, no need for a checkup game.  Just as the time changes, so does our bodies.  May I suggest that we use Daylight Saving Time as a reminder to schedule our annual checkups? 

The purpose of a routine physical is to help prevent health problems, identify risk factors, counsel and promote a healthier way of life.  Our doctors are there to help us as they provide information and support that enables us take charge of our health.

After you are done with your appointments, don’t forget to seize Daylight Savings Time in other areas of your life.  Be sure to take advantage of the extra hour by finding creative ways to have fun by yourself, as well as with your family and friends.

I have plenty of suggestions, but I’d like to hear from you – feel free to post a comment.

Remember don’t fall behind, savior the time!


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