In Search of Martha & Mary

In many areas of our lives we can find a Mary or a Martha within us. 

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 11 of Pausing With God:

I love the story of the two sisters, Martha & Mary, found in Luke 10:38-42. Martha worried about what was not getting done. Getting things done was her priority; her relationship with Jesus came second. She was busy doing this and doing that, trying to impress Him.  

On the other hand, Mary found it a privilege and honor to sit at His feet, gaining what could never be taken away. Mary worshipped Jesus for what He had done. Her priority was to spend time with Him, and she sought intimacy with Jesus. She couldn’t explain this kind of fellowship to Martha. It had to be experienced. 

In our season of menopause, God’s desire is not for us to be wandering around aimlessly or too busy to spend time with Him. He is our Shepherd and does not want to lose any of his sheep. He wants to guide us so that we will follow His plans and receive His blessings. In Him we have green pastures, still waters, restoration for our souls, paths of righteousness, a sense of peace, no fear of evil, comfort, a table of goodies, anointed heads, goodness and mercy till our cups are runneth over. And the best part is that we can have this ALL the days of our lives. 

What can we learn from these two sisters?   Though Martha had good intentions, she always found one more thing to pencil in on her To-Do List, saving no time for what was more important. 

But it is Mary’s example that should stroke our hearts, as she sought after that which would make all the difference in her life.  And so can it be with us when we try, Pausing With God.


  1. our group is reading having a mary heart in a martha world
    by joanna weaver and it's wonderful


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