You Don't Want To Miss - Pausing With God Magazine


Pausing For You!

Over the years, in addition to publishing several books, I have benefited from writing blogs and articles for several magazines and websites. Here’s our chance to share with you...stories, testimonies or poems that will Engage, Encourage and Empower You! 

Even though we are working on the Winter issue, you still have time to secure your copy of the Summer and/or Fall issue.  Pause and head over to Pausing With and order your copy today.  

Welcome to our first edition of Pausing With God Magazine Summer Edition. We choose the title 'Still Becoming' because many of us would agree that no matter what age we may be, we find that we are still becoming who we dream or desire to be. We hope this issue helps you continue your journey and become all you aspire to be.

Pausing With God Fall Issue shares how every one of us has a weakness or a fear of something, what matters is what we do with them. We hope the articles high-lighted in this issue will engage, encourage and empower you with the fears you may be facing. 


We'd also love to hear from you, if you have a story, testimony, poem or a comment. Pause and email us at

Sheri Powell is the founder of Pausing With God Ministries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to engage, encourage, and empower women of all ages. Sheri is also a published author, blogger, speaker and host of seminars, conferences, evangelistic outreaches, youth events, online and in person - bible studies and workshops; but most of all, she is a handmaiden for the Lord, a wife, mother of five, and nana of 3 grands!

Pausing With God Ministries mission is to empower and encourage women. We are passionate about strengthening and supporting women to be all they were created to be.

We have found that:

Women want to belong…

Women want authentic relationships...

Women want to impact their world around them…

For more information, visit us at

Sheri's resources are available on : 

  • Amazon 
  • Barnes & Noble Nook
  • Books a million
  • Walmart
  • YouTube click, like and share 













#Personal growth



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