A Woman of Excellence
As it should be with any of us who journey through life with integrity and humility, there ought to come a time when we acknowledge the deposits that others have made into our lives. In her latest publication, A Woman of Excellence: The Ministry of My Mother, our dear friend, Sheri Powell, seizes the opportunity to give honor to whom honor is due as she pays homage to her own mother.True to her expressed desire to engage, encourage, and empower women, Sheri Powell reflects upon the transferable lessons she learned through her own upbringing. Her mother’s ability to transcend the challenges of her life to become a powerful, proven force of love and grace become the substance of significant lessons for every woman.
We met Sheri approximately 25 years ago as a member of the church we pastored. At the time, she was a newly divorced mom doing a phenomenal job raising her young son and daughter. Since that time, she has moved out of state and remarried, adding a husband with three additional children to her household. The years have passed, the kids have all grown up, and a brand-new generation has been added to Sheri’s family tree. God has been good to Sheri. She has grown in wisdom and experiential knowledge.
In this, her third publication, you will learn from two generations of excellent women. Enjoy the journey.
Pastors (Emeritus) Todd and Leslie Foster
Church on the Rock – New Haven, CT
Pause and visit Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Sheri-Powell/e/B0071DOI5M
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