Earlier today, I sat prepping for an upcoming event. I came across this a nugget and thought I'd share an excerpt with you. W h y can ’t women get along, it’s because we are afraid to be vulnerable, afraid to be soft, afraid to be hurt, most of all afraid of our power. So we become controlling and aggressive - vicious. Why can’t women get along, it's because we’ve been taught to be bad rather to be powerful. (Courtesy of Iyanla’s reflections) Pausing With God Ministries is a nonprofit corporation organized to inspire and engage congregations and the community at large. The Lord has given us a platform to encourage and edify women of all ages. We are partnering with the Body of Christ to break the silence and address uncharted territory. The topic of the day is MENOPAUSE. It is estimated that as many as 6,000 US women reach menopause every day. The gender makeup of a vast majority of churches and religious groups reveals that t...
MAKING A DIFFERENCE A couple of months ago, I went to a church event to do a book signing. The person in charge directed to a spot where I was to set up. Ah, I thought I have the best seat in the house, right next to the biggest grill I have ever seen. I introduced myself to the chef. In between the turning of his ribs, chicken, and Italian sausage; we found out that we had something in common. He loves to cook and feed people and me, I just love people. Later when it was time for me to leave, he echoed to let him know if he could ever help. Jokily I said, “How about at a BACK 2 SCHOOL rally?” Without hesitation, we exchanged info and I shuffled off. Months later, I get a call and the voice on the other end said, “Okay tell me where, what to bring and the time. On August 20, 2011, we hosted a rally in the Victory Pointe housing community on the Westside of Jacksonville, Florida. In addition to enjoying non-...
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