CHRISTMAS, What's In It For Me?

CHRISTMASWhat's In It For Me?


I heard that laugh a year before I saw the face.  In 2008, after my mother went home to be with the Lord, in one of my mourning moments He encouraged me to visit the Ladies Bible Class at our church.   As I walked toward the door, I heard that laugh and then the voice.  Stepping into the room she turned around and flung open her arms and said without any hesitation, “Hello my daughter, it is so good to see you”.
Edith Fyvie the Mistress/ Master Teacher of the Ladies Sunday School Class.  Don’t get me wrong, God didn’t provide a substitute for my mother, but one of many who picked up the baton and assisted Him in discipling me into my destiny.
Over the past 1 ½ years, she has drawn back from teaching and is currently residing in a nursing facility.  Every time I visit, I go to be a blessing, but I leave blessed.  I thank God because countless times in spite of everything that she experiences, Ms. Edith unselfishly makes sure she greets, prays and loves on not only the residents, but the staff also.  She is known to many as mother hen…she will smother you and at the same time keeping an eye out for the weak, lame, ill and oddly behaved chicks.
Today when I arrived it was lunch time and I was in store for a double dipper.  We strolled down to the dining facility, they ordered their food and we followed Mr. John to a table, we sat with Ms. K.  Mr. John sat down across from me, Ms. Edith on my right and Ms. K on my left.  In between the chewing the conversation begins.  Where I sat was better than hitting the lotto – in between two Titus women.
Ms. K begins to have a discussion of how different the times are from when she grew up.  She wanted me to remember that we ladies must lives of holiness unto God and how in her lot, she has never stopped thanking and trusting the Lord.  She said, “We must not complain or whine, but have faith in God who has the last say”.  She unrelenting said that she is content in where the Lord has her.  She finishes up her desert, she leans over and gives me a blessing, says be good and good-bye and hands me over to Ms. Edith.
Ms. Edith asks me what’s going on in Sunday school and to catch her up with the latest.  She points out several staff and tells me how she makes sure they all know that Jesus loves them and that she does too.  She says that’s all people really want to know is that they are loved.  I told her I see how she has not allowed her environment to stop her from pouring out the love of God, but that His love in her was changing it.
After lunch we head to the back patio, seeing that it was too cold to go outside; we sent brave Mr. John to carry on their daily ritual.  Standing there watching the simplicity of their lives, I observed that she not only feeds and loves people; she is even feeding God's creation.
My thoughts traveled, I visualized so many of us racing during this holiday season and missing out on an opportunity to feed the birds or for that fact - not taking the time to feed one another - emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
One bird, two birds, three pigeons and whoosh the ledge and ground were covered.   This reminded me of Matthew Chapter 6 – (author paraphrased) Christmas, What’s In It For Me?  Why are you worried about what is under the Christmas tree?  Why you are worried about what you are going to buy? Why are you worried about what you are going to receive?  Worried about what you are going to eat, drink or wear?
I literally watched the fowls of the air, come and get fed by a willing vessel from our Heavenly Father.  Are they much better than us?  If God clothe the grass of the fields and fed all fowls of the air today…don’t you think He is going to take care of you and supply your every need, notice I said need and not wants.
Today’s visit was even sweeter,I praise for today and all the precious moments I saw in her photo album of her and her family.
I pray that we remember that our Heavenly Father knows our needs and as long as we seek Him first, and His righteousness, all these things shall be added unto us.  May we remember to take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take care of itself….may all that God has provided be more than enough.  May we be thankful and grateful 365 days a year and not just focus on asking - Christmas, What’s In It For Me?


From the Pausing With God family to yours
 God bless you with a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

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