Loving Yourself

Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating loveand affection between intimate companions…….It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, candy and greeting cards (known as "valentines").
As a teenager, one of our bonding times was our weekly trip to the grocery store.   Before we reached the check out counter, I saw my grandmother buy flowers.  When she got home, after putting the groceries away -- you could see the smile in the corner of her mouth as she carefully organized her bouquet in the vase.
Society had me under the impression that a man was supposed to send a girl flowers.  So one day I asked grandma why she bought her own.  She gave me a look that told me she was about to impart a word of wisdom.  She said, “Sheri, do not wait for someone to buy you flowers, if you want them, go get em’.


The majority of us ladies do not start recognizing how we have neglected to love and take care of ourselves until the season of menopause is upon us.  Did we not see the handwriting on the wall, we have one life and one body (we’ll now and days that is debatable with the availability of so many different types of plastic surgeries).
February 14th  rolls around faster than you can blink.  So if you begin today to treat yourself in an extraordinary way, when Valentine’s Day comes and goes, you will still be special!

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”  Jim Rohn


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