Here is a Merry Christmas Prayer from my Cousin Cleo

Oh Holy One
Who opens the morning with the sunshine
and brightens our day with
hope and gladness
Joyful joyful we adore You
You make life a spread of assorted flowers.
That grace the noontime of our day
Forgive us for not always caring for these flowers
Bitterness mixed with pain and sorrow
Dry, shaded from the Light and left in darkness
Yet they grow despite our neglect
O Holy Star shine your Light upon us
Help us dear Savior to make music with your Light
Tell us the story of a baby wrapped in new life,
of hope, redemption, eternity

Dear God help us to know the possibilities of your birth
We come to be fed and to drink from your well of goodness
Help us to walk through the rich soil in the newness of life
Divinely prepared for our nights and days
In Our Savior's name we pray
For Your gifts of love, mercy and grace
O Come Emmanuel come close come here
Stay with us this Christmas and throughout the year
We heard the voice of the Angel
Ring, singing loud and clear
Awake, Awake oh children lift up your sleepy heads
The King, Saviour, Jesus, Emmanuel,
God is here. Amen!
Have a Merry Christmas!



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