From A Different Perspective

I love to hear how you are dealing or have dealt with your season of menopause. Today we feature one, shall we say; who has advanced passed menopause. Read on as Sally shares her story. The journey into womanhood was not a very easy or enjoyable one for me. From the time I "became a woman" as they used to call it, every month I found myself in severe pain. My mother and family doctor assured me this was a natural process and things would even out for me - but they never did! At 19 years of age, I began seeing Obstetrician / Gynecologist (OB/GYN) doctors, each of them asked me to describe my symptoms. I explained to them the best way I knew how; my pain was like “a knife shooting through my body". They came to a conclusion and their diagnosis for me was merely a bad case of CRAMPS. Believe it or not I had one doctor who refused to examine me because I wasn't married, ‘Talk about your caveman’. Anyways, my problems went on until I was ...