The Tabernacle A Shut-In Experience

From time to time, we like to share testimonies of Shut - In experiences. This recent shut-in was held in Jacksonville, Florida. We pray as you read you are blessed and encouraged to go past the Brazen Altar into the Holy of Holies. The following notes from the journal of Minister Cherry Lightner OVERFLOW by Juanita Bynum was playing in the background, I picked up my pen and began to write in my journal. Slowly I gazed around the room and realized that there were ten women present. Out of the blue, I was called upon to read Scripture, Matthew 25:1-10...thank goodness we all made it in as ‘The Door Was Shut’. We were dressed and ready to commune with our bridegroom. TO READ THE REST OF MY JOURNAL, VISIT Sheri Powell is the author of Pausing With God, ‘A Journey Through Menopause’ and Pausing With God 'A S...