
Showing posts from July, 2011


I’m curious as to how you start your day?  When the alarm rings, do you drag yourself out of bed or hit the snooze button.    You’re tired, there are not enough hours in the day or strength in your body.   Every day the same ole’, same ole'.  You don’t want to nor can you go on like this too much longer, something has to give.   Might we encourage you to pull your head from under the covers?  Take a few minutes before you start your day to dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.   In Him you will find everything you need, you will be able to mount up on wings like an eagle, you will run and not get weary; you will be able to walk and not faint.  You will go HIGHER!! Let us hear from you, feel free to post a comment.


Hot Flashes are just one of the many symptoms that are associated with menopause. Our bodies are sounding off -- there is a decrease in the hormonal level of the female reproductive system (estrogen). REALLY! Do we need a hot flash to tell us this breaking news? As you prepare to take your journey through menopause, remember it is not a disease, but a period of transition. It is in your best interest to do your homework, get to know your body and secure a physician that you are comfortable and can be open with. For us cold natured people, hot flashes are like a heating pad; but for others – an erupting volcano. While every woman will experience her flashes to a different degree; all of us will have to buckle up and ride this season out. There are no easy answers or quick solutions, but one thing that will always help is PRAYER. Have you ever slammed your finger in a door? The more you concentrate on it; the worse it gets. Same with the hot flash, the more attention you...